Tricare and TMS

Tricare, the U.S. Defense Military Health System, uses TMS as a benefit for its military members! Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is an option for those with treatment-resistant depression. TMS offers a non-invasive method of stimulating brain neurons through an electromagnetic coil. This focuses on the affected areas of the brain responsible for the individual’s mood and cognitive activities. TMS has been FDA-approved since 2008 and has given promising results. Depression and anxiety do not discriminate and are suffered by people of all ages. 

"I went to visit Dr. Park to learn about substance abuse so I could learn how deal with a family member. The guidance from Dr. Charlie and Dr. Hy Gia Park, his wife, also a psychiatrist, was informational and invaluable. It was just not about substance abuse it was learning how to cope with other related issues. They have group sessions and in one I learned how to meditate which is a tool I will use throughout my life. This is a very professionally run practice."

– D.Q.