Mental health is a crisis impacting our youth in our community as a whole suicide is the seventh leading cause of death in Colorado with three of our neighbors taking their own life every day.
Each suicide costs Colorado 1.2 million dollars – that doesn’t include the pain and suffering of loved ones.
Successful treatment only costs 1% of that for the recommended two-year period it takes to stabilize mental illnesses.
It is worth the investment to help people, and we can avoid having to pick up the pieces after a preventable tragedy.
I’ve heard you say that mental illness and substance abuse are often co-occurring conditions.
942 deaths from substance abuse, 528 of which are deaths from opioids.
Opioid addiction costs Colorado over 750 million dollars each year with 78 percent of cost in lost productivity.
We founded Agami Mental Wellness to face this crisis head-on and help people end the cycle of pain created by mental health and substance abuse issues.
We recognize that mental health and substance abuse are medical illnesses just like cancer and diabetes and that they affect all demographics of the population.
Treatment should be compassionate and science-based.
We use the latest medications, psychotherapies, medical foods and innovative technologies such as genetic testing and transcranial magnetic stimulation to achieve measurable improvements in the lives of our patients and their families.
We have treated over 430 patients in the last two years.
Helping one person has an enormous ripple effect that spreads to family friends and the community.
It really takes a whole community working together to solve these problems – first responders, insurance carriers, our financial institution 1st Bank, employers, and families have all played an integral role in helping us at Agami grow our business and spread our vision of hope through innovation.
– D.Q.
"I went to visit Dr. Park to learn about substance abuse so I could learn how deal with a family member. The guidance from Dr. Charlie and Dr. Hy Gia Park, his wife, also a psychiatrist, was informational and invaluable. It was just not about substance abuse it was learning how to cope with other related issues. They have group sessions and in one I learned how to meditate which is a tool I will use throughout my life. This is a very professionally run practice."