Heavy Drinking Still Kills More People Than Opioid Overdoses

Between 2006 and 2010, an average of 106,765 Americans died each year from alcohol-related causes such as liver disease, alcohol poisoning and drunk driving—more than twice the number of overdoses from all drugs and more than triple the number of opioid overdoses in 2015.

A study in JAMA Psychiatry that compared American drinking habits in 2001-02 with those in 2012-13 found that “high-risk” drinkers—women who, in any given week, have at least four drinks in a single day, or men who have five drinks—increased by nearly 30% during the study period.

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"When I first came to Dr. Park, I was very reserved & I didn't know what to think, much less how this was all going to work out? Well, I've been with Dr. Park for close to 10 years now & I couldn't imagine where I would have been or be without him. He is without exception the best doctor I've ever had the privilege of seeing. Dr. Park not only listens, but he also understands, and he works with you to get through your problem. He doesn't condemn or judge you, not once has he ever belittled me, or any problem &/or situation I may have, he understands life & has a huge heart. I know he has truly made a great difference in my life, from my career to my family life, & more, he's shown, & given, me a great deal of guidance & clarity. I would absolutely 1000% recommend Dr. Park to anyone. Once you meet him it will be self-evident, I think he's truly one of a kind & I'm grateful..."

– M.M.