Do Your Part – Stop Prescription Drug Misuse

Dispose of your unwanted prescription drugs safely. You no longer have to wait for Drug Enforcement Agency’s bi-annual National Prescription Drug Take Back Day to turn in unused, unwanted medications. As part of the Every Day is Take Back Day campaign, anyone can dispose of old pharmaceutical drugs at locations nationwide.

As recently announced, the DEA has registered a record number of authorized collectors – pharmacies and medical facilities – to collect unused and unwanted prescription drugs year-round. Since April 2017, the DEA increased the number of year-round disposal locations from more than 2,200 to nearly 17,000. Visit to find a drop off location near you as well as to learn what you can do to stop drug misuse before it starts.

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"After seeing Dr. Park for the last eight months, I can honestly say I’ve never been more thankful for a doctor like him. He doesn’t b.s. you. He doesn’t allow you to b.s. yourself. I cannot put into words how much he has helped me heal and helped me to be a better version of me."

– D.R.